The Fresh Patch

Levi and Jaqie started 'Fresh' (pun intended!) on their farm in 2014 and are just regular people doing regular things; but who are passionate about homesteading! They started with a large garden the first year and fell in love with the dirt. They've been gardening and growing things ever since. Bunnies, chicks, ducklings, piglets, seedlings, saplings, and human babies too! They have a quartet of little men running around trying to work their way up to farmhand. They grow things sustainably, regeneratively, and organically and say their prayers for rain, when needed. 

In 2023 they took a leap and transformed their homesteading into a farm business. They specialize in growing garlic (several varieties), but also produce popcorn, sweetcorn, sunflowers, maple syrup, veggies, fruits, eggs, and anything else they can find room for at The Patch. Over the last decade they have done a lot with their little patch of land... and they are thrilled and humbled to get to feed you and yours!


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