The Kilgus family has farmed the same land in Livingston County for decades, and a love for farming runs long and deep in our history. We became dairy farmers in the 1950s, and as times changed and our family grew, we worked together to devise creative solutions to diversify our farm business and include more family members. This led to falling in love with Jersey cows and sending them out to pasture, building an on-farm creamery to bottle our own milk, and finally to raising goats, steers, and hogs to provide a line of farmstead meats. Our original dairy farm has evolved into a multi-generational independent family business with four families working together to produce, market, and distribute Kilgus Farmstead dairy and meat products.
Kilgus Farmstead utilizes seasonal rotational grazing from April until late November. In our pasture system, our cows are rotated to a fresh paddock of grass every 24 hours. No chemicals are ever sprayed on our pastures. This system allows us to provide the highest quality grasses for our cows to eat, and also to maintain the land in the most natural state that we can. During the winter months, the cows are fed a mixed ration of our own non-GMO corn silage, grass hay, and alfalfa hay. In the summer, their diet is also supplemented with the same mixed ration as needed. In addition to spending time outdoors grazing as weather permits, we also have a compost bedded pack barn where our cows are free to roam and can lounge and relax comfortably in deep, soft compost bedding. The whole goal is to provide the maximum quality care for our animals to in turn produce a very healthy, high-quality product.